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Many things can contribute to the thinning of hair. Usually shedding, balding, or thinning in any form, is an indication that something else is going on elsewhere in your body. These signs are an outward expression of what is going on inwardly. A number of things can play a part in these situations. It's been my experience where someone's Vitamin D was at a high level; causing shedding to occur. Healthy levels of iron, zinc, vitamin E, and many others are important also. Other factors come into play also, such as; medication, sicknesses, diseases, diet, water intake, hair regime, keratin loss, just to name a few. For a great keratin based, gentle cleansing product, we recommend for all of your hair care needs.

At Healthy Hair Salon ( stylists do a hair analysis service. Included in this service your hair is sent off to the lab to see exactly what your body is missing or has too much of. From this analysis you will learn what supplements are needed in your body, along with what foods you need to stay away from. This analogy is geared toward you personally. The food list is personalized for you specifically. Treating not only your hair loss but the root cause of your hair loss.

For more information call 337-261-4247 or 337-261-HAIR

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